What life insurance does?
One question I hear all the time is about leads. Qualified leads. Good lead companies. Leads that work.
Whew! It’s exhausting!
And my usual response is, “Maybe you need more ‘qualified’ leads or maybe what you need are more leads to qualify.”
It’s about your marketing plan and your activity plan – those are the things that will drive your business.
LIMRA recently released a report about what’s fueling the purchase of life insurance in a niche market. Lo and behold, right inside of this insightful report we see an outline of a marketing plan.
Let me show you how I find a marketing plan in this report.
The report informs us that this niche market has a higher level of financial concern than the overall population, and that financial concern has been exacerbated by COVID-19. Does this mean a marketing message that addresses how this financial concern can be tackled would resonate with this niche market?
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What if our marketing message told a story of how consumers in this niche market can ensure their family could pay their monthly bills or their mortgage while preventing their loved ones left behind from facing a difficult situation due to a premature de /ath?
OK, I know. Duh … that’s what life insurance does.
But this is a primary concern to 44% of this niche market, the report states.
Here’s the thing – the report tells me this niche market is more likely than the general population to own individual life insurance. So would the right message, targeted to this niche market with a strong call to action generate activity? And didn’t we mention we need activity?
Nearly six in 10 members of this niche market (58%) own individual coverage. Compare that percentage with the 52% of the general population that owns individual life insurance, and it seems like a big market.
Another insight I found in this report is 25% of this market segment owns group life insurance, a 5% increase from 2020. We all know what happens to group life insurance when you leave your workplace or you retire. So there’s a marketing message that can be targeted to this specific niche – what do you think?
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